Being a world player in new and retrofit Custom Yacht Construction, YachtEZ has had the privilege’s to meet players in the different related worlds of luxury appreciation who know the best places to be on a world stage where peace and safety for our clients for work or play, is the paramount focus. As a result of our own company travel, we want to now offer and recommend NIRO WORLD CRUISES AND DREAM VACATIONS as a prime player in that arena where the principals know the best places to be and how to navigate getting there with extreme client safety and satisfaction. Knowing where to go and what do with the most exposure to the different cultures that make up our complicated world, with the least amount of risk to personal and family safety while traveling, is why we can make such a heralded recommendation for this sister company. If anything about living in today’s world has taught us anything, it is what to investigate prior to jumping into that unknown destination pool. We want to make for our clients, family, and friends a vehicle to securely consult with first for advice from the best and most experienced people and companies for that travel safety herein domestic and abroad before you go.
Just as we know our own expertise in yachts and the recommended destinations where we can present from our own experiences, we want to offer our client base a new venue for world travel both for vacation and business. NIRO WORLD CRUISES AND DREAM VACATIONS came to our attention where we ourselves wanted to know first hand the experience for those beautiful and historical ports the world over, and take advice from experts as accomplished in their fields as we are in ours, so our recommendations are tried and proven. Knowing the history of the world is available to be be seen and felt, we want our constituents, family, and friends, to rest assured that with the utmost concern for their personal safety and of course, to get the most “bang for the buck” so to speak while traveling, is what our intent is here so we ourselves consult with experts before we embark, and now offer that direct line to you.
Please hit the photo above for a direct link to NIRO WORLD CRUISES AND DREAM VACATIONS and talk to an expert who YachtEZ Group have made available to you for direct consultation for booking information and all preparations made on your behalf before you go. Business Leader and company Principal, Niro Kalawatte, CEO TD Group of companies, is a trusted ally of YachtEZ Group, who will make sure you get what we say.
Please reference your relationship with YachtEZ upon speaking with him in regard to any booking or for sake of just destination information and/or itinerary format for that special company relationship consideration. What we want to offer is our solidified company partnerships together as a whole to take care of our clients on both sides of the coin in the yachting industry and in world travel, an alliance that you can trust will be all inclusive with no unintended surprises. As we like to say to each other….. “One hand washes the other on that world stage,” making the world that much safer and enjoyable a place to enjoy with confidence knowing you are not alone. Someone you can talk to that has done it before, and as world travelers ourselves, we know our client base is well taken care of. Feel free to call direct to NIRO WORLD CRUISES AND DREAM VACATIONS to speak directly to his office phone as listed above, or call our office for an appointment to speak with Niro or one of his staff. We take the edge out of that world stage.
As we have noted to our client base, YachtEZ Group is more and more expanding our operations to the Pacific West Coast, and this company alliance is prime example of that expansion based in the Los Angeles Basin. Again, feel free to call for more information as what we can offer to our client base first hand.
Now that the USA Boat Shows for winter 2024 are nearing completion with the final Florida Boat Shows scheduled for Palm Beach [March [March 21-24, 2024] and the Saratoga Suncoast Boat Show, Saratoga, FL, Saratoga, FL [April 19-21, 2024], the GULF Premier Boat Show and end of season extravaganza Boat Shows, with next boat shows scheduled for the European arena beginning in CANNES, with the Salon d’ Nautica, CANNES INTERNATIONAL YACHT and BOAT SHOW, September 10-15, 2024. The below listed links are to the finest accommodation’s for the shows that we can make all of the arrangements for you and your guests to stay in luxury and attend any show.
Following CANNES is the heralded sheik Monaco International Super Yacht & Boat Show in Port Hercule, Monaco, September 25-28, 2024, hosted by Prince Ranier of Monaco, and the only premier luxury hotel to stay at is the centrally located, walk to show Hotel de Paris:
As can be seen, YachtEZ is a world class company that keeps our client base informed and puts the opportunity to our core customers all parameters for inclusion on a world stage where the luxury of what we do is put on a gold plate at your feet. Participation is an automatic ingredient for the lifestyle earned and ready to he had for our family of clients giving our assets as a company directly to you. The link below is a key to the finest Boat Shows of the world, and are only a phone call [954.767.8855] or email away [] to our head office, and/or direct to Niro Kahawatte at DREAM VACATIONS [(818)264-5933].
Contact our office for any information on the following link to the national and international boat shows where we can be of assistance, for Dubai, Dusseldorf, or any of the shows that we will be participating in domestically like the Annapolis, Maryland USA, Newport, RI USA, New York, New York USA, Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA 2024 Boat Shows.
We only deal with the best, tried and proven, and as a part of YachtEZ, is yours for the asking.